Monday, October 29, 2007

cliffs notes in haiku

from one hundred great books in haiku by david bader:

note: if you know me, you will know my extreme disdain for cliffs notes. go there at your peril.
what's below is for laughs.

d.h. lawrence, Lady Chatterley's Lover:

On the grounds, fresh game.
On the new gamekeeper, fresh
Lady Chatterley.

herman melville, Moby Dick:

Vengeance! Black blood! Aye!
Doubloons to him that harpoons
the Greenpeace dinghy.

jane austen, Pride and Prejudice:
(this is my one of my favourites)

Single white lass seeks
landed gent for marriage, whist.
No parsons, thank you.

charles dickens, Bleak House:

Fog, gloom, men in wigs --
the Chancery Court blights all.
See where law school leads?

william golding, Lord of the Flies:

'Kill him! Spill his blood!'
Marooned lads hold savage rites.
Choirboys learn how to prey.

samuel beckett, Waiting for Godot:

Act I. 'It's hopeless.
My boots don't fit. Where's God?'
Act II. The same thing.

william shakespeare, Hamlet:

'His mother wed his
dead murdered father's brother!'
Next Jerry Springer.

nathaniel hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter:

Grim, grey New England --
all adulterers receive
free monogramming.

vladimir nabokov, Lolita:
(this is very clever)

Lecherous linguist --
he lays low and is laid low
after laying Lo.

michel foucault, Discipline and Punish: the Birth of the Prison:

Carceral discourse
polyvalently deployed.
Hot air gently blows.

george orwell, 1984:

Love is a thoughtcrime.
The Thought Police make Winston
forget whatsername.

charlotte bronte, Jane Eyre:

O woe! His mad wife --
in the attic! Had they but
lived together first.

christopher marlowe, Doctor Faustus:

A scholar trades a
few fun years for endless Hell.
Maths was not his field.

St. Augustine, The Confessions

This is just to say
I screwed around. Forgive me.
I enjoyed it so.

oscar wilde, The importance of being Ernest:
(very good)

Earnestly posing
as Ernest, Jack learns he's named
Ernest in earnest.

j.d. salinger, The Catcher in the Rye:

I flunked out again.
Crumby prep schools. Bunch of dopes.
Boy, I'm not kidding.

f. scott fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby:
(not good but for here for comparison with the novel)

Beauty to weep for --
coral, azure, apple green.
His custom-made shirts.

nietzsche, Also Sprach Zarathustra:

Kindness is weakness!
Abhor pity, worship strength!
Be an uber-jerk!

michel de montaigne, Essays

Genteel French musings --
life, death, odd smells, my moustache.
Today's topic: Thumbs.

george eliot, Middlemarch

Stifling social roles,
small-town gossip -- beware the
eyes of Middlemarch.

ernest hemingway, The Sun Also Rises:

'Why can't we?' she said.
'War wound,' I said. 'Oy,' Cohn said.
Back to Harry's Bar.